Where are you RIGHT NOW in your aviation journey?

  • Have you started flight training, but stalled out along the way?
  • Did you finish that instrument rating?
  • How about the commercial certificate, or CFI, or even CFII?
  • Ever dream about getting your A&P?
  • Have you wanted to be an airline pilot for years and years?
  • Did you give up along the way when you ran out of money?
  • Maybe you want to be a fighter pilot.
  • Maybe you want to ferry airplanes around the world.
  • Or some other crazy, wonderful dream!

If you resonate with any of the above, you just might be an excellent candidate for aviation career coaching with Carl Valeri.

Last year in 2022, when I was feeling grumpy and restless in my full time A&P/IA job (and longing to fly more,) I signed up for a career coaching session with Carl Valeri.

It was one of the best decisions I made in that time of transition.

Now, I have a pilot position flying for a local company in their King Air 350, and I work part time in my previous A&P job, and I’m loving it so much more!

As I’ve shared about my work transition, I’ve heard from a fair number of people who have also thought about pursuing a flying job, or getting their A&P, etc.

My encouragement it this: If it’s in your heart to do it, and you can’t stop thinking about it, then go for it!

I know there are all kinds of obstacles to get past like fear, doubt, money, nay-sayers, etc.

But you don’t want to look back years from now and regret not going for it and at least trying to reach your dream.

If you’re in this place of decision, and you’re not sure what to do, I highly recommend contacting Carl Valeri, and signing up for an hour of his coaching.

Carl is uniquely suited to give wise counsel to people pursuing an aviation career.

He’s an airline captain and airline training instructor, aviation podcaster, and aviation career coach, with such a wide variety of experience in aviation. He certainly has his finger on the pulse of aviation at this current time.

Carl helped me sort through my ideas, put me in touch with some key people for me to talk with, and gave excellent recommendations for how I could move forward.

I’m super grateful for his wise counsel.

How about you?

Could you benefit from talking with Carl about your aviation dreams?

If yes, then sign up here: (Be aware, you may need to sign up weeks in advance since Carl’s schedule fills up quickly.)


In my opinion, Carl Valeri is one of the best aviation career coaches in the world… he really helped me last year when I paid for an hour of his coaching. It’s a super valuable resource, and I highly recommend him… it is money very well spent if you are trying to decide the best way to reach your aviation career goals.

If you want to get to know Carl before you sign up for coaching, the best way to do that is by listening to both of his podcasts:

Aviaton Careers Podcast

Stuck Mic Avcast

You can also check out his YouTube channel, and watch the videos there.

Toward the end of last year (2022) I sent Carl an audio message to update him on my new flying job and to thank him for his excellent counsel.

He included my message in a recent podcast episode that is also on YouTube. I had no idea he had included so many special effects in the video.

If you haven’t already watched the video, scroll back to the top and watch it.

Thank you Carl Valeri, for all you do to encourage us and help us reach our aviation goals and dreams! We appreciate you!

I have one more friend I want to thank in this episode… Donnie Simmons.

Something was driving me crazy in the King Air when I would hook up the GPU to the airplane and work with the avionics in the hangar.

There was constant static in the copilot side headset, and I could not get it turned off… it was driving me nuts!

Finally the other day, Donnie sat in the airplane with me and I showed him what I’d been noticing.

He helped me with multiple things, but here’s the one that really surprised me:

Donnie suggested that perhaps the LED hangar lights were breaking the squelch in the radio, and that is why there was constant static.

So I walked over to the circuit breaker panel and turned off the 4 hangar light breakers, and sure enough, NO MORE STATIC!

Thank you Donnie!

Another valuable lesson learned, and I’ll know for next time.

The post “213 – Stellar Advice for YOUR Aviation Career” appeared first at AirplaneOwnerMaintenance.com